Wandersong: un trailer annuncia il titolo in arrivo su Nintendo Switch

Pochi minuti fa è stato pubblicato un nuovo trailer, legato all’annuncio dell’arrivo di Wandersong, titolo in arrivo il prossimo anno su Nintendo Switch.

Il titolo adventure/musicale di Dumb & Fat Games, verrà infatti pubblicato sull’eShop europeo di Nintendo Switch, nel corso dei primi mesi del 2018.

Potete trovare il trailer dell’annuncio, in calce all’articolo.

Presented by Humble Bundle, musical platforming adventure Wandersong in all its rainbow papercraft glory comes to Nintendo Switch in early 2018!

Dumb & Fat Games’ Wandersong is a side-scrolling, musical adventure where you use singing to save the world. Play as a silly bard who embarks on a globe-trotting journey to learn about the mysterious Earthsong, said to be able to prevent the universe’s imminent end. Along the way, there’s a huge cast of characters to meet, puzzles to solve, and songs to sing!

In Wandersong, you’re a walking musical instrument, and you use song to interact with everything. Different things respond to your music in different ways, so it’s up to you to sing your songs, unlock the world’s secrets, and make new friends.

With its rainbow paper cutout visuals, 10+ hours of adventure, and sprawling soundtrack by audio experts A Shell in the Pit (Rogue Legacy, Night in the Woods), there’s a lot to love. Humble Bundle is excited to present Wandersong on Nintendo Switch for the Americas and Europe in 2018.

For more information, visit http://wanderso.ng

Precedente Nintendo eShop: Switch, Wii U e 3DS, le uscite settimanali del 9 novembre 2017 Successivo L.A. Noire: pubblicato un nuovo trailer dedicato alla versione per Nintendo Switch